NM Poison & Drug Information Center

MSC 07 4390
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
UNM Business Center - 1650 University NE
Suite 4200

Phone: (505) 272-4261
Fax: (505) 272-5892

Test Your Knowledge

Get your paper and pencils ready to see how much you know about poisons and how to prevent them!

1. If my medicines are in child – resistant bottles it is okay to leave them within reach of children.

      a.    True       b.    False         

2. A poison is…

       a.    Any substance that can make someone sick or cause death if taken in the wrong amount, in the wrong way or by         the wrong person.

       b.    Just the substances that are used for cleaning and / or anything that does not belong in the body such as gasoline.

       c.    Any chemical substance except for medicines. 

3. It is okay if poisons are visible to children as long as they are out of reach.

        a.    True        b.    False

 4. Which of the following could be potentially poisonous?

         a.    Plants

         b.    Spiders, snakes and other venomous creatures

         c.    Cleaners

         d.    Personal cosmetics

         e    Medicines and vitamins

          f.    All of the above 

5. How should poisons be stored?

         a.    Out of reach of children

         b.    Out of sight of children

         c.    In child – resistant packaging

         d.    Away from food and drink

         e.    Locked up if possible

          f.    All of the above

 6. Who should you call if you think someone has been poisoned?

          a.    911

          b.    Police department

          c.    Pharmacist or Doctor

          d.    The Poison Center (1-800-222-1222) 

7. Which kills more people in New Mexico?

          a.    Illicit drugs (heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.)

          b.    Prescription drugs (Xanax, Ritalin, oxycontin, etc.)

          c.    Synthetic drugs (Spice, Bath Salts, etc.)

 8. Which venomous creature can be found in New Mexico?

           a.    Arizona bark scorpion

           b.    Rattlesnake

           c.    Coral snake

           d.    Gila Monster

           e.    All of the above 

9. Can water be poisonous?

            a.    Yes        b.    No 

10. Which age group is at greatest risk for becoming poisoned?

            a.    5 years of age and under

            b.    6 – 12 years of age

            c.    13 – 18 years of age

            d.    19 – 35 years of age

            e.    35+ years

Lets see how you did (view correct answers)!

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